Thursday, 7 August 2014


  I honestly did not know that i would be asking a question like this in this millennium, but the outbreak of the deadly Ebola disease in the west coast of Africa has obliged me to formulate this question;  What indeed is the worth of the lives of Africans without the first world? I remember reading an argument put forward by a white supremacist sometime ago who was advocating for africans to be grateful to the europeans for coming to colonize them and save them from sure extinction, because according to this racist, africans would have killed themselves and followed the fate of other creatures that are no more in existence today were it not for the prompt intervention of the caucasians.

  It hurts to be an african and hear or read barbaric and nasty things like this, but anger does not frontally challenge or resolve this contentious statement, the question that is yawning to be answered is what landmark thing has the african people been able to really achieve since they allegedly got  themselves off the white man´s noose, in most cases more than half a century ago?  Are we not proving the hypothesis of that racist, white supremacist, right in a way? Let us agree that the white man enslaved us, violated our women, killed our fathers, our brothers and sisters…. And all the condemnable barbarities they committed on us for centuries, but the truth is, they did all that to their advantage and benefit. They did all that because they hated us and did not agree that we were humans like them, they did all that because to them we were their potential enemies, they did all that because they were not ready to share the riches and the abundant resources in the world with anybody but themselves.

  The truth is, their wickedness cannot be justified by any means and in any way but that is not to say at least that it was an invasion from external forces alien to africa and africans who understood and translated the situation at the time to mean a war with a conspicuously drawn line; blue eyed blonds, or white skin folks exterminating black people who to them at the time was a completely different race…. Do not get me wrong, it is condemnable, unjust and barbaric but if you ask me, I think I have seen worst things than all that lately. The fact today that a black man is slaughtering another black man in the name of some foreign religion is the highest level of depravity to mankind that i have ever seen in a very long time, tell me one african country today where the black man is not killing his brother for the fun of it? Some wars in africa have lasted almost the amount of years that their independence as a nation has lasted…. The white man did not care a hoot about us so he treated us even worst than he treats his dog, the same way, if not worse have  african leaders been treating their citizens today. The same way if not worse have  african brothers and sisters been treating their people today. A lot of africans are being enslaved by other africans;  killed and sold into modern day slavery, prostitution and what have you.

  And to make matters worse, we do not have the capacity of reaction on our own, we are like a caged bird whose owner brought out of the cage and threw into the air to regain its freedom but rather than soar, chose to fall back into the hands of its owner,  pleading to be put back into the cage. What is Africa doing right now to contain the outbreak of the Ebola disease? Working assiduously in the laboratory to discover its antidote one would expect, but no, we are waiting on those who said that we should be thankful to them for promptly colonizing us and rescueing us from the throes of a certain extinction from the face of the earth, proving them right with all our actions that we are nothing without them, dehumanizing ourselves the more; waiting on them to give us clean water, waiting on them to give us electricity, waiting on them to give us malaria vaccine, waiting on them to give us cars, good roads, train, airoplane, food- aid, waiting on them to teach us the ways of the lord, waiting on them to discover a cure for aids, waiting on them to give us a cure for Ebola, waiting on them to certify that indeed we are human beings and not some low minded specie unable to manage his autonomy and do something beneficial for himself.     

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