I love
and appreciate the fact that many people are responding massively to this
social awareness call to ALS, especially world superstars. I must be honest
that prior to the ice bucket thing I did not know anything about the ALS myself,
I believe it is among the sicknesses that are unjustly classified as unknown or
strange because only a little percentage of the world population suffer from it
which is why a lot of world governments and even world rich organizations do
not allocate any or enough money into its scientific investigation for the
purpose of finding a cure for it.
after this massive publicity stunt, I am sure I will never forget what the ALS
stands for, my heart will always be with those who suffer from it, and most
importantly too, I shall try to donate my little widows might, especially
financially to the cause, notwithstanding, I must admit that I am
waiting eagerly to see the person that will put an end to the ice bucket challenge
thing that has suddenly turned into a trend, where some people are grossly
bastardizing the good intention of whoever it was that started the honorable
feat in the first place. We cannot do this forever, there are other issues
affecting the world that needs part of our attention too, with all due respect
to ALS victims. ALS is a sickness which cure is yet to be discovered but the
cure to the millions of persons dying in the world today as a result of hunger is
known, FOOD, and in some part of the world we still continue to throw edible
foods into the dustbins, in fact, one school of thought says that more food are
wasted in the western world than what is actually consumed in some part of the
People are dying everyday in one unjust war in some part of the world, what are we doing about it? in what way are we pressurizing our government to cease selling or handing weapons to those who are using it to terrorize innocent world citizens?
I know
it is cool to have the world see your name mentioned and then see you take up
the ice bucket challenge, but after the ice bucket challenge what next? Some people
are even eager to do the ice bucket thing even if they were not nominated in
the challenge chain just to hype their status, how much have you given to the
cause? Why do we like to be seen giving to the needy? Or presuming to assist
others while only arrogantly satisfying our ego? People need assistance every
day, some stars have their families and community members going through worst
situations, but they won´t assist them because the world won´t see them on
social media and because a camera won´t be there to showcase it.
positive side of the whole hype about the ice bucket challenge is that it has
proved that the world is a small community and that if we really desire, we can
all be interconnected somehow. I hope to see us use the opportunity that the
social network has given to us to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots,
to continue to genuinely feel a part of this same world, to rise every day and at
every moment to defend the cause of the powerless against their oppressors, to
stand constantly and not occasionally against injustice, to step forward every
now and again in the favor of those who cannot stand for themselves.
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