Tuesday, 14 October 2014


  There are very many racists instruments put in place in Africa by the imperialist powers to continue to subjugate and undermine the real sovereignty of the African people, some of these imperialists mechanisms are the CNN, the BBC, the national geographic, to mention but a few…. Although there are much more than that, these three institutions are supposed to be locked out of Africa because they only represent what they are; avenues for the continuous bamboozling and blatant defamation of Africa and Africans. Those who like vultures feast on the decomposing remains of direct and indirect victims of the imperialists and neo-colonialists.  They only serve to make you believe and accept imperialists’ propagandas, while continuously and conscientiously steering your minds away from the real truth.

  The U.N itself is another racist imperialist instrument, with all its composite organs and agencies. Africans need to wake from their slumber and really begin to take the reins of the African stallion in their own hands. The IMF, W.H.O, UNESCO and all other U.N agencies are not in any genuine way beneficial but prejudicial for Africa. They are all modern day slave ships for the perpetuation of white supremacy philosophies and agenda.

  Africans should come together once and for all and fight for the true and effective emancipation of our continent from these insatiable vampires before they systematically wipe us all out. They are all at the service of the same colonial powers. They are all composite participants in the preplanned genocide actually being perpetrated in the name of Ebola in Africa.

  Believe it or not, someone is not comfortable that if the birth rate in Africa continues as it is today, in the next couple of years we might see an African population close to outnumbering the Chinese, so the imperialists through their sham and wicked agencies, with the connivance of some bastard Africans are continuously unleashing one catastrophe after another on us with the same damn silly excuse that a very lethal disease has emanated from monkeys and being transmitted to humans in Africa…. Bullshit! Every epidemic disease that has affected Africa since the advent of colonialism was introduced into Africa by the colonialists for some cruel and capitalist motive, oftentimes the W.H.O, a U.N agency through some of their inoculation programs help infect unsuspecting Africans with diseases that later become pandemic.

  African leaders should really wake up to their responsibilities and not submit their people as laboratory specimen for the propagation and test of laboratory bred diseases.           

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